Spring Clean Up

It’s March! Long, cold winter days are in the past; warmer temps and spring sunshine is just around the corner. 

Spring is the perfect time to go through the warranty receivable schedule. Now is the ideal time to review and address rejected claims, route those that you are unable to authorize, or handle those claims that haven’t ever been submitted and are aging. 

Does the thought of handling all of this on top of what you are already doing on a daily basis overwhelm you? We can help! We offer a Warranty Claims Clean-Up Service that provides a solution for Warranty Administration Program members to effectively reconcile their warranty schedule. The service provides peace of mind that all warranty revenue will be claimed and you will be caught up and free of stress. 

jlwarranty can help you catch up with warranty  claims processing this spring! Check out jlwarranty's Warranty Claims Clean-up Service

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