GM Warranty News

Popular Topics: Empowerment

jlwarranty summarizes important warranty information from General Motors, combines it with our warranty claims processing experience, and puts it into easy-to-understand articles. The following articles pertain to GM Empowerment.

95/5 (04/23/2024)

The goal of 95/5 is to complete at least 95% of warranty repairs (ZREG and ZFAT Transaction Types) within 5 calendar days. Dealers who can achieve or come close to the 95% metric are rewarded with higher OLH empowerment, if...
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Policy Evaluation Tool (04/23/2024)

The Policy Evaluation Tool (PET) must be used to determine GM participation in out of warranty/policy repair situations. The tool is available within the Dealer Aftersales Empowerment Portal. As a reminder when offering a policy decision: labor, parts, and net...
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Dealer Empowerment (02/26/2024)

GM provides service management a certain level of authority and responsibility for decision making regarding the administration of warranty. Empowered dealers have the ability to make decisions at their level, which is closest to the circumstances, the vehicle and the...
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Reducing Rejected Transactions (11/29/2023)

Even the most experienced warranty administrators get rejected transactions. Whether it be glitches in Global Warranty or unforeseen excessive parts, unfortunately rejected transactions are a daily part of a warranty administrator’s role. Being aware of the rejects you frequently receive...
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Warranty Administrator Tips (10/25/2023)

Warranty administrators, especially those who have been in the position for a while, often come up with their own solutions to the challenges they sometimes face. Here are a couple of solutions that have been shared with us: Any repair that...
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Authorization Code G and SAVI (10/25/2023)

Dealers that have achieved SAVI scan utilization above 98% have earned the ability to self-authorize transactions that have rejected with error message 872: Dongle vehicle data is required for this transaction and not received.  Those dealers received notification in early October...
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Rental Past 10 Days (07/25/2023)

With part delays still a problem for dealerships, customers are still in rental vehicles for extended periods of time. GM will pay for every rental day required, as long as those days are justified.  It is a requirement that dealers complete...
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The Warranty Resource Center (04/25/2023)

The Warranty Resource Center application in GlobalConnect houses many warranty resources in one place. Take advantage of this warranty-based resource by launching the Warranty Resource Center application from the GlobalConnect App Center.  The recently updated app is designed to be an...
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Dealer Empowerment (04/25/2023)

The Dealer Empowerment Bulletin, 11-00-89-005, has been updated, now version “V”. The bulletin provides guidelines and requirements for Goodwill, Policy Repairs, and Customer Enthusiasm transactions. If you haven’t reviewed this bulletin in a while, it is a worthwhile read. The...
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OLH Empowerment Updates (02/28/2023)

Dealers that did not meet key measurables with 2022-year end performance, including STS and 95/5 score have received notification of their new OLH empowerment. The latest empowerment level will remain in effect for 6 months.  ...
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Articles from jlwarranty's Warranty Newsletter

Warranty Newsletter The most updated warranty information available is delivered to your door and/or inbox each month. jlwarranty summarizes important warranty information from General Motors, combines it with our warranty claims processing experience, and puts it into easy-to-understand articles. Find answers to the latest, most pressing GM warranty topics, strategies to increase warranty reimbursements, tips on protecting your dealership from debits and more! Only available with a monthly subscription to the Warranty Administration Program.
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