GM Warranty News

Popular Topics: Authorizations

jlwarranty summarizes important warranty information from General Motors, combines it with our warranty claims processing experience, and puts it into easy-to-understand articles. The following articles pertain to GM Authorizations.

95/5 (04/23/2024)

The goal of 95/5 is to complete at least 95% of warranty repairs (ZREG and ZFAT Transaction Types) within 5 calendar days. Dealers who can achieve or come close to the 95% metric are rewarded with higher OLH empowerment, if...
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Policy Evaluation Tool (04/23/2024)

The Policy Evaluation Tool (PET) must be used to determine GM participation in out of warranty/policy repair situations. The tool is available within the Dealer Aftersales Empowerment Portal. As a reminder when offering a policy decision: labor, parts, and net...
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Pre-Repair Authorization (PRA) (04/23/2024)

The PRA process uses the Certified Service Mobile Toolbox (CSMT) App to submit an authorization request prior to replacing any of the components listed in Bulletin 18-NA-306. The dealer uses the App to submit details and photos of the customer...
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Battery Special Cases (04/23/2024)

20-NA-132 is a comprehensive bulletin that covers battery warranty coverage and testing procedures. There is a section in this bulletin titled "Special Cases" that explains those situations when a battery is not tested using the current GR8, DCA and DCBS...
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Roadside Assistance Program (02/27/2024)

Roadside Assistance is a bonus when purchasing a new GM vehicle. Among other things, Roadside provides towing at no cost to the customer when needed. GM contracts with participating tow companies to provide this service. The process begins when the...
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Customer Authorization Unavailable (02/26/2024)

If the service agent is unable to obtain an acceptable customer authorization to perform repair, service management must state the reason and sign on the authorization line on the job card prior to any repairs being performed. Service management approval...
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GM Authorization (02/26/2024)

When a claim is submitted with GM Authorization for review, your expectation is that the claim will be paid. Chances are, the claim has rejected at least once, the dealer correctable issues have been resolved, and an issue remains that...
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Dealer Empowerment (02/26/2024)

GM provides service management a certain level of authority and responsibility for decision making regarding the administration of warranty. Empowered dealers have the ability to make decisions at their level, which is closest to the circumstances, the vehicle and the...
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Sublet Repairs (02/26/2024)

When a specific warranty repair cannot be performed at any given dealership, the dealership may have the repair performed at an alternative repair facility. If your dealership does not have a body shop, paint claims and transportation claims involving body/paint...
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Straight Time Reminder (02/26/2024)

Straight time (ST) is time not published in the Labor Time Guide. The technician must document all steps taken to support the repair they made and must have an individual and labeled (e.g. “ST”) clock time to support the repair....
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Warranty Newsletter The most updated warranty information available is delivered to your door and/or inbox each month. jlwarranty summarizes important warranty information from General Motors, combines it with our warranty claims processing experience, and puts it into easy-to-understand articles. Find answers to the latest, most pressing GM warranty topics, strategies to increase warranty reimbursements, tips on protecting your dealership from debits and more! Only available with a monthly subscription to the Warranty Administration Program.
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